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Develop skills to change the world while earning college credit

The UCLA Summer Global Leadership Program (GLP) is designed for people who are committed to tackling the global public challenges facing us all. Megatrends such as climate change, energy & resource scarcity, rapid urbanization, economic dislocation, technological disruption, social inequity, and many others are poised to transform every aspect of life as we know it. The GLP experience provides driven students with the opportunity to prepare themselves for a career that takes a hands-on approach to addressing such prominent global challenges and issues. By engaging directly with these topics, and with each other, participants in GLP will to help define leadership that meets the moment for future generations.

By enrolling in GLP, participants will have the opportunity to examine and explore contemporary global matters at the direction of esteemed UCLA faculty, participate in a variety of skill-building workshops, learn from professional experts in the public and global affairs field, and be given the tools to pursue their own interest area.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will have

  • Earned up to 9 units of UCLA credit
  • Participated in a variety of on-campus workshops and seminars related to professional development
  • Gained special insight into the roles and operations of organizations that specialize in governance and policy, research and analysis, and international relations
  • Developed their own research project
  • Learned from and connected with industry experts

GLP is an in-person, on-campus opportunity presented by UCLA Summer Sessions. If you are looking for internship opportunities abroad through the International Education Office, please click here.

Program Overview

GLP is intended for advanced undergraduates as well as recent grads already in the workforce who aspire to obtain positions of leadership in diverse fields such as public policy, international diplomacy, local and national governance, non-profit/NGO work, aid & development, academia, and more. Given that the nature of both this work and the challenges facing us requires collaborative and unified action, significant emphasis is placed on the cohort experience and relationship-building between and among participants. Because the duration of the program will take place on the main UCLA campus, coursework will be augmented by group engagement opportunities, and participants are strongly encouraged to learn from one another by exchanging ideas and perspectives as you work on your individual projects. Everyone selected for participation in GLP will bring a valuable perspective to their – and your – work, so treat each other as the resources you are.

Among the fundamental, practical goals of Global Leadership Program are to:

  • Bring together students of all nationalities and cultural backgrounds that aspire to positions of and careers in global leadership
  • Foster intercultural communication and understanding by creating a forum for effective multilateral exchange
  • Create small groups of aspiring leaders who wish to dedicate themselves to serving the collective good, to supporting one another, and fostering each other’s growth throughout their entire careers
  • Help participants develop a better understanding of collective problem solving through policy, the importance of public diplomacy & civic engagement, and be able to incorporate a diversity of ideological, cultural, and other perspectives into their critical analysis toolsets

GLP Academics

All GLP participants are strongly encouraged to enroll in two UCLA academic courses: 1)  PUB AFF 113: Policy Analysis: Approaches to Addressing Social Problems, and 2) One additional course from the list of Recommended GLP Courses that do not conflict with the program’s co-curriculars.

PUB AFF 113 will provide GLP participants with a foundation to applied policy analysis. It is designed to train students in logic of public policy analysis, introduce them to general skills required to do policy analysis, and to prepare them in persuasive presentation of their work.

GLP participants will be able to enroll in a second course of their choosing from the recommended list of courses (see below).

International students in GLP who require a visa will need to be enrolled in two, in-person courses to meet the eligibility for an F-1 visa, required for study.

Once accepted to the program, students will receive more information on the course enrollment process.

Hands-On Learning

Project Development –

More than this, GLP students will have exclusive access to academic guidance from experienced doctoral students.

We ask that students come into the program with a passion for a particular public affairs topic with policy implications, such as global health, energy & the environment, civil society, supranational organizations, communications & the media, education, or related areas of interest. Ideally, this interest should stem from some level of experience you already have with the subject matter, whether gained through academic coursework, a paper developed on the topic, or exposure to the subject in a professional role or internship.

Our skilled graduate educators will assist you in honing and expanding your interest area into a comprehensive research project.

There are many benefits to be gained from this, some of which include

  • Utilizing the proposal for graduate school, internship, or job applications
  • Transforming the proposal into a full-length research study
  • Obtaining a deeper, more robust understanding of a specific subject matter
  • Gaining insight into the process and design of research studies
  • Receiving valuable insight and direction from UCLA doctoral students who are positioned to make significant strides in the global public affairs field themselves

Conference Presentation –

Toward the end of the program, students will share about their interest areas and projects in an academic, conference-style setting. Presenting work at a conference-style event will give students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery over the subject area they are most interested in before an audience of their peers.

  • What it is: The GLP cohort will have the opportunity to participate in an in-person, interactive forum that will serve as the pinnacle of what discussions and deliberation has been had throughout the program that pertain to various global issues and their corresponding solutions. This culminating event allows the GLP cohort to act as panel members and to engage in a dynamic, intellectual conversation that focuses on the underlying components, situational factors, and trajectory of those global trends that are shared as key interests among panel members.
  • How it will be accomplished: Presenters will be strategically grouped together based on common research themes or topical interests. A moderator will facilitate a panel discussion that enables participants to showcase their knowledge and ideas by contributing to a collective discourse about issues surrounding and solutions to various matters in global public affairs.
  • Benefits: By participating in this facet of the program, presenters will learn how to critically listen to and gain knowledge from associates in the discipline, improve their public speaking ability, gain familiarity attending and speaking at conferences central to networking opportunities, and receive scholarly feedback on work.
  • When: This is an all-day event held on August 2nd.
  • Where: Royce Hall (see below).


GLP participants have the opportunity to take part in a series of co-curricular activities that will take place throughout the six-week duration of the program. These activities help participants gain a greater knowledge and ensure a more comprehensive understanding of leadership as exercised in a wide variety of contexts and circumstances.

Activities include site visits, where participants can discover more about the practical applications of what they are learning, as well as special skill-building workshops and lectures where GLP students can engage with global experts working in public affairs and public policy organizations, think tanks, NGOs, and more. Participants will hear directly from leaders in numerous distinct professions and fields of study about their practical experience of leadership.

GLP students will gain exposure to a diverse range of topics and career opportunities within the realms of public affairs, policy, and governance. Examples of notable appearances from seasoned experts include:

  • During a visit to Los Angeles City Hall and the Civil and Human Rights Department, GLP students will gain valuable insight into the governance mechanisms that shape various forms of societal change. This excursion will also provide students with an opportunity to comprehend the intricate operations of one of the nation’s most populous and high-profile municipal administrations.
  • Dr. Helmut Anheier, an Adjunct Professor of Social Welfare and Public Policy at UCLA, as well as a Professor of Sociology at the Hertie School in Berlin, Germany, will elaborate on his research concerning the Berggruen Governance Index. This index critically assesses countries’ capacities to deliver quality democracy, government, and overall quality of life for their citizens.
  • An exclusive visit at RAND Corporation, a prominent research institute headquartered in Los Angeles, will provide students an overview of the institute’s history and an interactive panel discussion with RAND PhD students and leadership, who will provide in-depth insight into a variety of policy, research, and graduate-school related topics and questions.
  • Dr. Shalom Staub, Executive Director of the UCLA Center for Community Engagement, will deliver a tailored session to GLP participants that underscores the significance of community engagement. In addition to a strong theoretical foundation, participants will receive practical strategies for involving community members and organizations to bring about impactful change.
  • Kevin Media, Director of the Office of Student Affairs & Alumni Relations for the Luskin School of Public Affairs, will offer industry-specific advice, such as searching for jobs in policy, planning, and social welfare.
  • Kameron Green, the VP of Professional Learning and Family Philanthropy for the Southern California Grantmakers (SCG), will discuss the instrumental role played by SCG in enhancing communities both locally and globally through its support of effective grantmaking.

GLP students are expected to attend all of the co-curricular activities.

See the master calendar below:

The dates the co-curricular activities are subject to change. The exact times and locations of the co-curricular activities will be released to enrolled GLP participants at the start of the program.

Application Deadline

Registration for the UCLA Summer Global Leadership Program is now open. The deadlines to submit a complete application are June 14, 2024 for domestic students and April 26, 2024 for international students.

To learn more, RSVP for the GLP Webinar on February 13th at 12pm PST.

To see the layout of the application prior to submission, you can preview it here.

Fees and Payments Info

The program fee includes the unit fees for the UCLA coursework offered as part of the program and thus varies by UC student status. In addition to the program fee, students are assessed other campus and administrative fees during the summer. This is a summary of fees that commonly apply to the selected student type.

Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California. Visit the fees, payment, and financial aid section for important disclaimer, as well as more details on fees, payment instructions, and information on delinquency, refunds, and financial aid. Visiting students who are first-time Summer Sessions students will be required to pay a $50 document fee.

*Applicants who apply after May 1 will have two weeks to submit payment from the date they are admitted.

Program Fee
Ackerman Student Union Fee
Ackerman/Kerckhoff Seismic Fee
Wooden Center Fee
Undergraduate Student Association Fee
Document Fee (incoming UCLA students only)
Total Estimated Fees:
* Fees only apply for certain student types

General Inquiries

The Summer Global Leadership Program (GLP) is a rigorous, six-week long academic experience designed for individuals interested in entering into the global public affairs and policy field.

The program provides participants not only the opportunity to study at UCLA and earn UC credit alongside UCLA undergraduate students, but also real-world knowledge to prepare them to take on the many leadership challenges facing the world today.

In addition to two UCLA courses of their choosing, students will have access to various academic resources and other services to support their success at UCLA and in their future careers.

GLP is a fully immersive six-week college experience that lasts the duration of a regular summer session term at UCLA. All students must enroll in Public Affairs 113, but are also able to select from a curated list of other UCLA courses according to their academic or professional interests. All GLP participants will attend these courses alongside both matriculated and visiting students for a fully authentic UCLA experience.

In addition to academic courses, GLP students will have exclusive access to co-curricular components designed to support students’ college academic readiness, resilience and wellness, and ability to successfully navigate college life for a truly holistic experience.

GLP is intended for students with highly competitive credentials who have completed at least two years of a four year undergraduate degree program, or who are currently working professionals that already hold the equivalent of a four-year bachelor’s degree. We invite students from all around the world to apply as long as they are ready to commit to the program’s schedule which is considered full-time.


Enrollment in GLP does not have any bearing on future admission to UCLA or any other University of California campus. With that being said, participating in a program such as GLP will prepare students for success in their future graduate-level careers at any leading college or university around the world, and may strengthen their applications.


Once you have submitted your GLP registration form, available starting in January 2024, you will be prompted to upload your supporting documentation. Please note the required file formats for each upload, as not all file types are accepted by our registration system.

You can contact to see if your application has been received. Once you have completed the application, the finish point will inform the candidate that their application has been received and specify which email an admission decision will be sent to. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the application is filled out correctly and proper documents are being uploaded. The Summer Sessions Office will not contact students about errors on their application.

Admissions will vary depending on when candidates apply, during which time decisions will be emailed by the deadline of the application cycle you are in. See Application Deadlines and Decisions for exact dates.

The Decision Deadline is when students must decide if they wish to enroll in the program. The Decision Deadline for international students who require a visa to attend in person is April 15 and for domestic students it is May 15.

Standardized test scores are not a part of the GLP admissions requirements, with the exception of proof of English Proficiency if you are an international student whose coursework is not primarily taught in English (see Application Requirements).


Complete enrollment instructions will be shared in the acceptance email.

and Transcripts

Students outside the UC system should verify their institution’s credit-granting process. Transfer of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution.

Students who apply to a University of California (UC) school should provide information on their participation in UCLA Summer Sessions during application.

Yes, all courses taken by GLP participants will generate an official UCLA transcript, and each course taken will be listed individually. Please note that beyond the transcript, participation in GLP does not result in the conferral of a degree or official credential of any kind from UCLA.

UCLA is on the quarter system and awards quarter units. To convert quarter units into semester units, multiply the quarter units by .66*. For example,

  • 4 quarter units from UCLA transfers as approximately 2.67 semester units
  • 5 quarter units from UCLA transfers as approximately 3.33 semester units

*This is an estimate and conversion may differ between schools. Be sure to verify with your home institution.

Students can order a transcript online through MyUCLA under the “Classes” tab and then “Grades and Transcripts” or by submitting a Transcript Request Form to the Registrar’s Office.

If you have trouble logging in to your MyUCLA account, please contact the UCLA IT Support Center for MyUCLA assistance at 310-267-4357 or

Campus Life

Yes, GLP students will have access to many of UCLA’s campus amenities, including recreation facilities, libraries, study areas, computer labs, and the Undergraduate Writing Center, among others.

While a BruinCard is highly recommended, it is not required.

A UCLA BruinCard is a student identification card used to confirm status and eligibility for services. Below are select features of the BruinCard:

  • Official University ID
  • Debit Card
  • Library Card
  • Gym Pass
  • Meal Card
  • Access Card for Residence Hall
  • Laundry Card

The BruinCard process can be started online by submitting a photo or completing the process in person at 123 Kerkhoff Hall. Please reach out to the BruinCard Center for more information.


The Study List on MyUCLA records all classes in which a student is enrolled for a term.

There is a Class Planner feature on the Study List that helps students plan classes for a term. Students are responsible for avoiding class conflicts or multiple same-day final examinations.

Students cannot receive credit for classes not shown on the Study List as this is the official enrollment tool. Please note the grading basis for each class as listed on the study list. The study list should be checked after all enrollment transactions.

Students will be responsible for preparing for all required materials for their enrolled courses. Check the class textbook information of each enrolled course; if not listed, please contact your instructor or the department.

Students are encouraged to plan for classroom materials such as notebooks, pens, etc. that they would use for any other class.

Laptops and mobile devices are not required for students to participate in GLP, but they are very strongly encouraged. Students who are on campus may have access to UCLA computer labs and other computing resources at multiple locations across campus.

All GLP students are required to take two courses. Enrollment in Public Affairs 113 is required of all participants, but the second course enrollment can be chosen from the curated list of GLP courses.

Note: It is the responsibility of the student to ensure the second course does not conflict with the timing of the PUB AFF course.

Important: To qualify for F-1 student visas, all international students must enroll in a minimum of 6 units in order to meet the I-20 eligibility requirements.

Yes, every course will require homework and/or study time outside of class.

No. GLP courses are regular ten-week courses compressed into six weeks, so missing any portion of the course will put you at a great disadvantage. It is crucial to attend all of the course meetings and all co-curricular programming.

Please let your instructor (or teaching assistant/TA, where applicable) know that you are having difficulty with the material and they will be able to help you. Every instructor and TA is required to have at least one office hour every week. Utilize office hours to get the questions you have answered.

If you need to drop the course, be sure to follow all deadlines and procedures for doing so. Important: The deadlines to drop a course and the refund deadlines may not be the same.

Feel free to reach out to us at if you need assistance.

Let the instructor know well in advance and they will determine if other arrangements can be made. Please note that the instructor is not required to schedule an alternate exam time to accommodate your needs*.

A course may not be dropped or removed from your record if you take the final exam.

*In compliance with Section 92640 of the California Education Code, the University must accommodate requests for alternate examination dates for any test or examination at a time when that activity would not violate a student’s religious creed. This requirement does not apply in the event that administering the test or examination at an alternate time would impose an undue hardship which could not reasonably be avoided.

Health and

Students must maintain sufficient health, accident, disability, and hospitalization insurance while traveling to and from the program, as well as throughout participation in the program. By registering in the program, you have certified that you have sufficient insurance coverage.

In the event that students are ambulatory and need minor medical attention during the program’s activities on campus, they will seek medical attention at the UCLA  Student Health & Wellness Center within normal university business hours. Treatment at the Ashe Center may result in additional fees for such services.

In other cases that require medical care or involve a medical emergency, paramedics may be called. UCLA and the Regents of the University of California shall not assume responsibility for any of the student’s medical expenses. UCLA will make reasonable efforts to inform parents/guardians of those instances of which it is aware that medical attention was required.

Residential Housing (optional)

The dorm rooms include a bed, desk, closet, and trash bin. Bedding basics (sheets, blanket, and pillow) will also be provided.

Students that sign up for housing will have choices as to how many meals they wish to purchase as part of their housing contract. UCLA has several on-campus dining options for students of all dietary needs.

Outside of special events, no meals are provided for students who are living off-campus.

Roommates are assigned by the UCLA Office of Housing. Please direct any questions about roommate assignments during summer to the Housing office.

The safety of students is our top priority. Safety precautions include 24-hour front desk service, surveillance cameras, key access only, and the presence of the university police force (UCPD).

GLP students are expected to adhere to the participant agreement and Campus Regulations.

UCLA Housing provides trained RA staff who live on each floor of a given residence hall.