Rights and Responsibilities

The Values of
a True Bruin –
Student Conduct
UCLA students are proud to be members of this community. They take pride in the reputation of our faculty; they take pride in our unparalleled programs and services; they take pride in the wealth of diversity of our community members; and they take pride in our beautiful campus. Intertwined with our core values, Bruin Pride is at the very heart of what it means to be a TRUE BRUIN.
Bruins are committed to the values of Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, Respect and Service. Bruins conduct themselves with integrity and understand that the quality of their educational experience is predicated on the quality of their academic work and service to the community. Bruins hold themselves accountable to the commitments they make and for their conduct.
When faced with adversity, Bruins engage in thoughtful reflection and exhibit superior ethical decision-making skills. They respect the rights and dignity of all members of our community by listening attentively, communicating clearly, and remaining open to understanding others and their diverse points of view. Bruins embrace these values, for these are the values of a TRUE BRUIN.
Responsibilities, Expectations
& Disciplinary Action
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the use of another person’s work (including words, ideas, designs, or data) without giving appropriate attribution or citation. This includes, but is not limited to, representing, with or without the intent to deceive, part or all of an entire work obtained by purchase or otherwise, as the student’s original work; the omission of or failure to acknowledge the true source of the work; or representing an altered but identifiable work of another person or the student’s own previous work as if it were the student’s original or new work.
(UCLA Student Conduct Code, Section 102.01c: Academic Dishonesty–Plagiarism.)
Unless otherwise specified by the faculty member, all submissions—whether in draft or final form—to meet course requirements (including a paper, project, exam, computer program, oral presentation, or other work) must either be the student’s own work or must clearly acknowledge the source.
All class assignments are expected to be original work submitted by individual students or, if directed by the instructor, by students working in a team. Should a student purchase or otherwise acquire a document from a third party (such as TermPaperExample.com) and submit such a document as original work for the class assignment, such action is plagiarism and a violation of the code.
Plagiarism Detection Services
Instructors are permitted to use one or more plagiarism-detection services to assist in confirming that the academic work submitted by a student is original work and has not been duplicated from an existing work.
Instructors may require that all students enrolled in a class submit their work to a plagiarism-detection service designated by the instructor. Failure by a student to submit assigned work is the equivalent, at the discretion of the instructor, to the student failing to submit the work for grading.
Instructors are encouraged to indicate at the start of the academic term whether:
- A plagiarism-detection service is used in the class for academic assignments
- The service is applied to all students enrolled in the class or only on a spot-check basis
Student Copyright
Students retain full copyright ownership of their academic work (see UCLA Policy 965, Ownership of Creative Work Submitted by Students). However, if the plagiarism-detection service used by the instructor includes a protocol that the vendor retains a copy of the submitted work, such practice is approved by UCLA for the vendor’s sole purpose of comparison with other academic work subsequently submitted by others. The vendor may not use academic work submitted by UCLA students for any other purpose.
Nonetheless, instructors may decide to use a plagiarism-detection service after the start of the academic term, either on an across-the-board or spot-check basis. The instructor’s discretion in such matters is final and not subject to appeal.
Grade Report
The grading process for a student suspected of having engaged in plagiarism or other forms of cheating is described in The Manual of the Los Angeles Division of the Academic Senate, SR A-306.
The final grade in a class is based on the evaluation of a student’s achievement in the class. If a student is suspected of having engaged in plagiarism or otherwise having cheated, the infraction is reported to the Dean of Students for consideration of disciplinary proceedings. Until such proceedings have been completed, the grade DR (deferred report) is assigned for the class.
All students attending UCLA Summer Sessions are expected to meet the highest standards both academically and behaviorally, and will be held fast to a commitment to academic and personal integrity, respect for all members of the community and teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other University activities, regard for the basic rules of safety, compliance with directions of University or other public officials, and cooperation with adult supervision. Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person or that poses a threat of causing damage to University or community property will not be tolerated.
All visiting students are requited to abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the UCLA Office of Residential Life and the UCLA Student Code of Conduct, while recognizing that not all rights apply to them as non-matriculated students.
Students enrolled in Precollege Summer Institutes or College/Professional Institutes are required to abide by all rules and policies set for in their Program Participant Agreement. Failure to adhere to stated rules and policies may result in disciplinary action up to program dismissal without a refund.
Alleged violations of the aforementioned rules and regulations will result in an investigation conducted by the Summer Sessions office. If it is determined that a violation occurred, disciplinary action will be determined at the discretion of the Summer Sessions Department based on the severity of the violation. Students will be notified in writing via email of the alleged violation and ultimate determination/disciplinary action, and may also be required to meet in-person and/or virtually with members of the Summer Sessions office.
Examples of violations that will result in disciplinary action up to dismissal from the program include but are not limited to:
- Failure to report violations of others which are witnessed and/or known by the student
- Offensive language, including racial, homophobic, or sexist language
- Academic dishonesty, as defined in the UCLA Student Code of Conduct provision 102.01.
- Theft, damage, or destruction, or attempted theft, damage, or destruction, of university or community property, or that of another individual
- Failure to Comply, as defined in UCLA Student Code of Conduct provision 102.16, which includes failure to identify oneself, failure to comply with directions of a university official, or obstructing university officials in the performance of their duties or investigation
- Unauthorized transportation for minors, including the use of ride share services and electric scooters, whose regulations require individuals to be 18 years or older to use their service
- Unauthorized absences from mandatory programmatic components. For residential programs, violation of the curfew or allowing unauthorized guests into the residential halls
- Fraud, or attempted fraud, including personal information and application materials submitted at the time of registration and/or application
- Unwanted personal contact in UCLA Student Code of Conduct provision 102.28
- Disruptive or threatening behavior as defined in the ORL Regulations provisions A.3 and A.13
UCLA has a Zero Tolerance Policy for the below violations which will result in immediate dismissal from the program. Dismissed students do not receive academic credit and will not be eligible for a refund, regardless of how much of a course/program the dismissed student completed.
- Illegal substances, including alcohol and drugs, including manufacture, distribution, possession, use, or sale thereof, or the attempted manufacture, distribution, or sale thereof. In accordance with ORL Regulations, provision A.1., possession alcohol containers, opened or closed, is prohibited; this includes containers used as decorative items.
- In accordance with UCLA Policy 810, use of any tobacco product, including smoking, chewing, spitting, inhaling, ingesting, burning, or carrying any listed or heated tobacco product is prohibited
- Weapons of any kind, including manufacture, distribution, possession, use, or sale thereof, or the attempted manufacture, distribution, or sale thereof, as defined in ORL Regulation A.15
- Indecent behavior, such as stalking, or hazing. Discrimination, including sexual, racial, or personal harassment or intolerance as defined in UCLA Student Code of Conduct provision 102.11, or terrorizing conduct as defined in provision 102.26.
Student Rights
and Privacy
Pursuant to the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the California Information Practices Act, and the University of California Policies Applying to the Disclosure of Information from Student Records, students at UCLA have the right to:
- Inspect and review records pertaining to themselves in their capacity as students, except as the right may be waived or qualified under federal and state laws and University policies
- Have withheld from disclosure, absent their prior written consent for release, personally identifiable information from their student records, except as provided by federal and state laws and University policies
- Inspect records maintained by UCLA of disclosures of personally identifiable information from their student records
- Seek correction of their student records through a request to amend the records or, if such request is denied, through a hearing (see UCLA Procedure 220.1)
- File complaints with the U.S. Department of Education regarding alleged violations of the rights accorded them by the FERPA
UCLA, in accordance with federal and state laws and University policies, has designated the following categories of personally identifiable information as “public information” that UCLA may release and publish without a student’s prior consent:
- name
- e-mail address
- telephone numbers
- major field of study
- dates of attendance
- number of course units in which enrolled
- degrees and honors received
- most recent previous educational institution attended
- participation in officially recognized activities (including intercollegiate athletics)
- name, weight, and height of participants on intercollegiate athletic teams
As a matter of practice, UCLA does not publish student telephone numbers in the online campus directory unless released by the student. The term “public information” in this policy is synonymous with the term “directory information” in FERPA.
Setting Privacy through MyUCLA
Privacy for some public information items can be set through MyUCLA. These include telephone number, official e-mail address, and all public information.
Telephone Number Privacy
UCLA does not publish or disclose student telephone numbers unless released by the student. By default, this option is set to withhold the telephone number from publication and public release. Unless the telephone number is released, only the student name and e-mail address appear in the online campus directory.
E-Mail Address Privacy
UCLA publishes student official e-mail addresses in the online campus directory. Students have the option of withholding this information from publication and public release. If the e-mail address is withheld, only the student name and telephone number (if released) appear in the online campus directory.
Telephone and E-Mail Privacy
If a student withholds both their telephone number and e-mail address, only their name appears in the online campus directory.
All Public Information Privacy
Students have the option of withholding all public information—including name, telephone number, and official e-mail address—from being published in the online campus directory and commencement materials, or from public release. When this is selected, none of this information is released without student consent.
The most restrictive privacy option is a FERPA restriction, or full FERPA block. It overrides all other privacy options and restricts the release of all public information without student consent. The FERPA restriction prohibits publication of the student name and any student information in the online campus directory and commencement materials, prohibits UCLA staff from making any statement that implies that the person with the FERPA restriction is a student, and prohibits UCLA staff from even acknowledging that UCLA has information about the person. Students can apply or remove a FERPA restriction only through the Registrar’s Office, in person or using the Message Center.
Student records that are the subject of federal and state laws and University policies may be maintained in a variety of offices, including the Registrar’s Office, Office of the Dean of Students, UCLA Career Center, UCLA External Affairs, Graduate Division, and the offices of a student’s College or school and major department. Students are referred to the online UCLA Campus Directory which lists all the offices that may maintain student records, together with their campus address and telephone number. Students have the right to inspect their student records in any such office subject to the terms of federal and state laws and University policies
Inspection of student records maintained by the Registrar’s Office is by appointment only and must be arranged three working days in advance. Call (310) 825-1091 option 6, or inquire at the Registrar’s Office, 1113 Murphy Hall.
A copy of federal and state laws, University policies, and the print UCLA Telephone Directory may be inspected in the office of Information Practices, 500 UCLA Wilshire Center. Information concerning students’ hearing rights may be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Students, 1206 Murphy Hall. See the complete text of UCLA Policy 220, Disclosure of Information from Student Records.
Students may authorize a third party, such as a parent or guardian, access to their own records. Access may be granted to the student’s BruinBill account, class enrollment, grades, financial aid information, and more. Students enable and specify feature access for third parties through MyUCLA.
Even if a third party has been granted access to student record items, in compliance with FERPA the Registrar’s Office cannot discuss in person, by e-mail, or by telephone any specific information about students and their records.
How to Set up Access
Third-Party UCLA Logon ID
Before a third party can be granted access, that person must
- Create a UCLA Logon ID on the UCLA Identity and Accounts Manager website
- Provide the student with that UCLA Logon ID (not password), and with the first and last name exactly as entered on the UCLA Identity and Accounts Manager website
Student Access Authorization
The student must log into MyUCLA, then
- In Settings, select Third-Party Access; enter the third party’s UCLA Logon ID and name information
- Select the information the third party is able to access or view
After these steps are complete, the third party may log into MyUCLA and view the information to which access has been granted. Students may revoke access, or change access features, at any time.