Fee Calculator

Fee Calculator
You may use the fee calculator below to estimate your cost of attendance. For Summer Courses, Online, or Intensives, search for the course(s) you’d like to take on the High School Approved Courses page and/or UCLA Schedule of Classes to find the total unit value.
The fee calculator only provides an estimate of your course or program fees which is subject to change. The calculator may exclude other costs you may have such as housing/living expenses, textbooks, Course Materials fees, or miscellaneous fees that may apply.
The Finances tutorial has an overview of fees, payment, deadlines, and more.
NOTE: UCLA students who have been dismissed, withdrawn, or graduated prior to the summer term will be assessed visiting student fees.
- Fees are calculated based on student type and total unit; there are no additional out-of-state fees for domestic students during summer.
- UCLA students who have been dismissed, withdrawn, or graduated prior to the summer are assessed visiting student fees, including the $350 registration fee.
- A $175 processing fee is assessed when UCLA students drop all Summer Courses to 0 units starting April 15 onward. If a student re-enrolls in a course after the processing fee is assessed, it will automatically be removed from BruinBill.
- The $350 registration fee (and 2.75% service charge if paying by credit card) is non-refundable at all times.
- Housing fees are already included in the program fee for Residential Precollege Summer Institutes.
- Tuition and fees are set regardless of method/modality of instruction and will not be refunded if instruction switches to remote for any part of the session.
- Tuition and fee amounts represent currently proposed or approved amounts and are subject to change.