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Approved Courses for Summer Pathway Transfer Students

Take two approved courses from the list that aligns with your pathway!

Disclaimer – Please read carefully

Course Enrollment: All participants in Summer Pathways are expected to take two courses in Session 6C that do NOT conflict with the program’s co-curriculars (Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am-10:00am). Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in UNIV ST 10D, an optional course.

Disclaimer: It is the student’s responsibility to confirm the course they are enrolling in is approved, available, and does not have any time conflicts. Some of the courses on this list may currently be full/closed or waitlisted. Due to changes in course modality, if you are interested in taking a class that is indicated as online, you MUST enroll in a second class that is approved and in-person.

You may click on each individual course to view the Schedule of Classes, which contains important information regarding number of available spaces, units, date and time, course instructor, and more. For major and minor requirements, please defer to the major or minor’s department website for further guidance.

Transfer Pathway Course Guide

The course list below is designed to guide your course selection and includes commonly taken summer courses along with the specific requirements they fulfill. As a transfer student, you may have pending transfer credits or specific course requirements beyond the approved course list below. You are permitted to enroll in appropriate courses outside of this list, as long as they do not conflict with co-curricular schedules. For major and minor requirements, please defer to the major or minor’s department website for further guidance.

Additionally, you may use Transferology to review any college credit you might be bringing in. Please be advised that translations are tentative for your credit assessment. Detailed information and further confirmation on the credits you are transferring will be provided during orientation.

Please note, some lectures may require a discussion section. Make sure to select a discussion time that does not conflict with the program co-curriculars.

Social Science/Humanities Pathway Courses

AF AMER 110A – Race, Science, and Society
LEC 1: Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00am-12:05pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: African American Studies major, American Literature & Culture Major, Global Health minor, Biomedical Research minor

ANTHRO 126P – Paleopathology  (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Tuesdays/Thursdays 11:00am-12:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Anthropology major B.A./B.S., Anthropology minor, Evolutionary Medicine Minor, Global Health minor


ASIA AM M129 – Health Issues for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Myth or Model? (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Tuesdays/Thursdays 3:15pm-5:20pm 

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: African American Studies major (Humanities Track & Social Science Track), Asian American Studies major and minor, American Literature & Culture Major, Human Biology, & Society major, Global Health minor

CCAS CM106 – Health in Chicano/Latino Population (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 5:00pm-7:30pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: African American Studies major (Humanities Track & Social Science Track), Chicana and Chicano Studies major and minor, Human Biology, & Society major, Society and Genetics minor, Global Health minor

CCAS M114 – Chicanos in Film/Video (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays 8:30am-10:00am 

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: African American Studies major (Humanities Track & Social Science Track), Chicana and Chicano Studies major and minor, American Literature & Culture Major

CCAS 151 – Human Rights in American (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00am-12:00pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: African American Studies major (Humanities Track & Social Science Track), Chicana and Chicano Studies major and minor, and Central American Studies minor

COMM 148 – Marketing Communications (ONLINE-ASYNCHRONOUS)

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Communication Studies major, Human Biology, & Society major, Society and Genetics minor, Entrepreneurship minor

COMM 156 – Social Networking (IN-PERSON)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 1:00pm-3:05pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Communication Studies major, Social Data Science minor, and Entrepreneurship minor



ECON 11 -Microeconomic Theory  (has prerequisite)  (IN-PERSON)
LEC 2: Mondays/Wednesdays 8:30am-10:35am

  • Satisfies a prep course for the following majors: Economics major and Business Economics major

ECON 41 – Probability and Statistics for Economists (has prerequisite) (IN-PERSON)
LEC 2 Mondays/Wednesdays 10:45am – 12:50am

  • Satisfies a prep course for the following majors: Communications major, Economics major, and Business Economics, Geography, and Geography/Environmental Science

ECON 101 – Microeconomic Theory (has prerequisite) (IN-PERSON)
LEC 2: Tuesdays/Thursdays 1:00pm-3:05pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Economics major, Business Economics major, and Math/Economics major

ECON 102 – Macroeconomic Theory (has prerequisite) (IN-PERSON)
LEC 2: Mondays/Wednesdays 8:30am-10:35am

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Economics major, Business Economics major, and Math/Economics major

EDUC 118 – Sociology of Community Colleges

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: American Literature & Culture Major, Education & Social Transformation major, Education Studies minor, Visual & Performing Arts Education minor

EDUC 123 – Teaching Profession 
SEM 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 10:00am-12:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Education & Social Transformation major, Education Studies minor, Science Education minor, and Visual & Performing Arts Education minor

GEOG 160 – Urban Geography (ONLINE-ASYNCHRONOUS)

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Geography major and minor, Geography/Environmental Studies major and minor, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major, Environmental Science major


  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Geography/Environmental Studies major and minor, Geography minor, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major

GEOG 181B – Advanced Geographic Information Systems (has prerequisite) (ONLINE-ASYNCHRONOUS)

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Geography major and minor, Geography/Environmental Studies major and minor, Geospatial Informational Systems & Technology minor, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major, and Social Data Science minor

GEOG  182A  – Introduction to Remote Sensing (has prerequisite) (ONLINE-ASYNCHRONOUS)

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Geography major and minor, Geography/Environmental Studies major and minor, Geospatial Informational Systems & Technology minor, and Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major

LING 20 – Introduction to Linguistic Analysis (IN-PERSON)
LEC 2 Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00am – 12:50pm

  • Satisfies Philosophical & Linguistics GE
  • Satisfies a prep course for the following majors and minors: Cognitive Science major, Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Linguistics & Anthropology, Linguistics & Asian Languages and Culture, Linguistics & Computer Science, Linguistics & English, Linguistics & Philosophy, Linguistics & Psychology,  Linguistics & Spanish, Linguistics minor

LING 120A  – Phonology I (has prerequisite) (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 10:00am-12:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Linguistics major, Applied Linguistics major, Linguistics & Anthropology major, Linguistics & Asian Languages and Culture, Linguistics & Computer Science, Linguistics & English, Linguistics & Philosophy, Linguistics & Psychology, Linguistics & Spanish, Linguistics minor, Spanish and Linguistics major, and Cognitive Science major

LING  120C – Semantics I (has prerequisite) (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 2:00pm-4:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Linguistics major, Applied Linguistics major, Linguistics & Anthropology major, Linguistics & Asian Languages and Culture, Linguistics & Computer Science, Linguistics & English, Linguistics & Philosophy, Linguistics & Psychology, Linguistics & Spanish, Linguistics minor, Cognitive Science major

LING  165B – Syntax II (has prerequisite) (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:00am-12:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Linguistics major, Applied Linguistics major, Linguistics & Asian Languages and Culture, Linguistics & Computer Science, Linguistics & English, Linguistics & Philosophy, Linguistics & Psychology, Linguistics & Spanish, Linguistics minor, , Spanish and Linguistics major, Cognitive Science major

PHILOS  C127A – Philosophy of Language (has prerequisite)
LEC 1: Tuesdays/Thursdays 1:00pm-3:05pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Linguistics & Philosophy, Philosophy major and minor, and Cognitive Science major

PHILOS 155A – Medical Ethics 
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 10:45am-12:50pn

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Study of Religion major and minor, Philosophy major and minor, Evolutionary Medicine Minor, Society and Genetics minor, and Global Health minor

SOCIOL  101 – Development of Sociological Theory
LEC 2: Mondays/Wednesdays 11:00am-12:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for Sociology major

SOCIOL  102 – Contemporary Sociological Theory (has prerequisite)

  • May satisfy a requirement for Sociology major

SOCIOL  145 – Sociology of Deviant Behavior  

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Sociology major and Society and Genetics minor

THEATER 107 – Drama of Diversity  (ONLINE-ASYNCHRONOUS)

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: American Indian Studies major,  American Literature & Culture major, and Theater major and minor

Life Science/Physical Science Pathway Courses

BIOSTAT 100  – Introduction to Biostatistics (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays 9:00am-10:50am

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology major , Computational & Systems Biology major, Structural Biology minor, Biochemistry major, Global Health minor

CHEM  153B – Biochemistry: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis (has prerequisite) (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays/Fridays 10:00am-10:50am

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Computational & Systems Biology, Biochemistry major, and Bioinformatics minor

EE BIOL 100 – Introduction to Ecology and Behavior (has prerequisite)  

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Biology major, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major, Marine Biology major, Conservation Biology minor, Evolutionary Medicine Minor, Computational & Systems Biology, Society and Genetics minor, Psychobiology major, Biochemistry major, and Environmental Science major

EE BIOL 116 – Conservation Biology (has prerequisite)
LEC 1: Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:45am-12:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Biology major, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major, Marine Biology major, Conservation Biology minor, Computational & Systems Biology, Society and Genetics minor, Biochemistry major, and Environmental Science major

EE BIOL 162 – Plant Physiology (has prerequisite)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 10:45am-12:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Biology major, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major, Marine Biology major, Conservation Biology minor, Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics (MIMG) , Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology major, and Biochemistry major

MATH 151B – Applied Numerical Method (has prerequisite) (IN-PERSON)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays 1:00pm-2:50pmn

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major, Systems Biology minor, Cognitive Science major, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences major, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/Math major, Biochemistry major, Mathematics major, Data Theory Major, Mathematics for Teaching major, and Mathematics minor

MATH 167: Mathematical Game Theory (has prerequisite) (IN-PERSON)
LEC 1: Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays 1:00pm-2:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major, Cognitive Science major, Biochemistry major, Mathematics major, Mathematics for Teaching major, Mathematics minor

MCD BIO 138 – Developmental Biology (has prerequisite)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays 11:00am-12:20pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Biology major, Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics (MIMG) , Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology major, Computational & Systems Biology major, Psychobiology major, and Biochemistry major

PHYSCI 166 – Animal Physiology (has prerequisite) (IN-PERSON)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 8:00am-10:30am

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Biology major, Ecology, Behavior & Evolution major, Marine Biology major, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology major, Computational & Systems Biology, Psychobiology major, and Biochemistry major

PSYCH 100A – Psychological Statistics (has prerequisite) (ONLINE)
LEC 2: Tuesdays/Thursdays 1:00pm-3:05pm & Thursdays 3:30pm-4:20pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Psychology major, Psychobiology major, Cognitive Science major, Biochemistry major

PSYCH 110 – Fundamentals of Learning   (has prerequisite) (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Tuesdays/Thursdays 10:45am-12:50pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors:  Neuroscience major and minor, Society and Genetics minor, Psychology major, Psychobiology major, Cognitive Science major

PUB HLT M106 – Health in Chicano/Latino Population (ONLINE)
LEC 1: Mondays/Wednesdays 5:00pm-7:30pm

  • May satisfy a requirement for the following majors: Society and Genetics minor and Biomedical Research minor

University Studies 10D (optional course)

Discover the pathway to success.
Enhance your Summer Pathway experience by enrolling in University Studies 10d, a 2-unit course that will equip you with the tools you need to navigate and understand the multifaceted nature of studying at a research institution. This course covers topics that will inform the way you understand and engage with the program co-curriculars. Learn how intersecting identities shape your unique experiences and how to best use campus resources and connections to your advantage. Enroll in this course and continue building your community of support while learning what it takes to not just succeed, but thrive at an institution like UCLA.

University Studies 10D – ACE UCLA | Critical Strategies to Achieve Undergraduate Excellence (Transfers)

Designed for transfers, this course imparts students with critical strategies to achieve undergraduate excellence at top-tier research institution. Study of research university’s mission, rigors, and expectations of students, as well as its pedagogical implications. Cultivation of formal space on campus where UCLA students learn to engage collaboratively with their diverse community of scholars; to comprehend and apply effective learning strategies and theoretical foundations of college student development; to navigate complex structure of UCLA; to practice resilience and growth mindset; to think critically about diversity and their identity; and to be fully aware of their value to intellectual fabric of institution as contributors to innovative research and scholarship.

During the registration process, you will be able to indicate whether you would like to be manually enrolled in UNIV ST 10D. Make sure to review the seminar time below before selecting yes.

Seminar 1 – Mondays & Wednesdays 10:00AM-11:20AM (Location: In-person, Haines Hall A28)

Please allow 3-5 business days for the course to appear on your Study List.