The Bruin Ascent Summer Experience (BASE) provides high-achieving California high school students from economically under–resourced communities with the tools, support, and knowledge needed to confidently navigate the complexities of higher education. This online scholarship program will offer students the chance to earn college credit, access valuable mentorship from current UCLA students, and participate in co-curricular workshops that will enrich their academic and personal development. By the end of their time in BASE, students will have a well-rounded foundation to successfully prepare them for their future academic endeavors!
Have questions? Watch the recording of our informational webinar.
BASE Overview
BASE is a six-week needs- and merit-based online scholarship program that provides recipients with the opportunity to gain UCLA college credit by enrolling in one UCLA summer online course free of charge. In addition to this academic component, BASE students virtually meet with a UCLA student mentor and attend co-curricular workshops that will not only help them prepare for their higher education endeavors, but thrive in them.
To accomplish this, BASE provides in-depth support across four key areas:
- College Advising
- Students are provided with quality college advising and various workshops that guide them through the intricacies of the college admissions process, including how to select “best fit” colleges. Students gain the skills to effectively showcase their qualifications on their college application and to strategically plan their academic journey to ultimately prepare them for their future career.
- Academic Preparation & Support
- Through enrollment in a UCLA summer online course, students are exposed to rigorous college coursework and can gain college credit. Coupled with academic support, such as office hours and practical study skill workshops, students learn how to successfully navigate the hidden curriculum of higher education and how to manage the challenges of college academic course loads.
- Social-Emotional Support
- Students will join a supportive community by building connections with UCLA college students, faculty, and staff. Through mentorship pairings with a UCLA student for one-on-one support, inclusive student panels, and informative webinars on college life, BASE aims to foster a network that shares knowledge, offers valuable advice, and provides unwavering support for the college experience.
- Financial Support
- Financial barriers are removed by offering this summer experience at no additional cost. Additionally, students are equipped with the necessary tools to make informed financial decisions in their pursuit of their educational goals through targeted workshops on financial wellness, FAFSA, and independently researching scholarships.
Participating in BASE will require you to commit a minimum of 7-10 hours a week, with additional time required for studying/homework. Please keep in mind that BASE is a college-level program with a rigorous academic component and engaging co-curricular activities that require your full dedication. We strongly encourage you to carefully evaluate your summer schedule and apply only if you can fully commit the time and attention needed to succeed in the program.
To apply for BASE, you must meet ALL of the following minimum eligibility criteria:
- You are a California high school student currently in Grades 10 or 11 for Spring 2025;
- You have a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA (unweighted);
- You have not been a recipient of Summer Scholars Support; and
- You have a household adjusted gross income (AGI) equal to or lower than the amount in your relevant category in the Family Income Eligibility Tables.
- Your AGI limit will be based on the number of members in your household and the California county you live in.
All requirements below should be acquired and prepared prior to starting the BASE Online Application. Please name the document files with your full name and the document type.
1. Unofficial Transcript
A copy of your complete and most up-to-date high school transcript is required (9th grade to present). Report cards or enrollment verifications are NOT accepted. If you have attended multiple high schools and/or earned college credit, please combine the transcripts for each school into one document.
2. Resume of Extracurricular Activities
Your resume can include extracurricular activities that speak to who you are and what you are passionate about such as school clubs and programs, work experience, leadership roles, family support roles, awards, etc. Please be sure to provide a detailed description of each activity, your role, and the dates of involvement; do not simply list activities.
3. 1040 Tax Form
Only the first two pages of your parent(s) or legal guardian(s)’ 1040 tax form for 2024 are required. If your family’s 2024 taxes have not yet been filed, you may provide the 1040 tax form for 2023. If your parent/guardian does not have a 1040 tax form, please email confidential@summer.ucla.edu to learn more about alternative documentation that can be provided. Please be sure to black out/redact all social security numbers.
4. Short Essay Responses
Applicants must submit two short essay responses: their personal statement AND a supplemental short essay chosen from our list of prompts. Please combine both essay responses into one single Word (.docx) or PDF (.pdf) document and include the prompt before the start of your responses.
- Personal Statement (650 word limit)
- How has your personal background (cultural, familial, educational, or other influences) shaped your identity, values, and educational & career aspirations? Explain how participating in the Bruin Ascent Summer Experience (BASE) will positively impact these goals and your overall development.
- Choice Essay – choose ONE prompt out of the four options below (350 word limit)
- Describe a personal project or initiative that you are truly passionate about. How has your involvement impacted you? Looking ahead, how do you plan to deepen your engagement and effect change?
- Describe an obstacle or significant challenge you have faced and how it has influenced your life. What did this experience teach you about yourself and how do you plan to apply these lessons as you pursue your future goals?
- Describe a time where you were exposed to different perspectives or individuals from different backgrounds than you. How did this experience shape your understanding of your own values or views, and what did you learn from the experience?
- Describe an achievement or milestone that you are especially proud of. What steps did you take to reach this accomplishment and how did this impact your future goals?
- Personal Statement (650 word limit)
[OPTIONAL] Letter of Recommendation
The letter of recommendation should be written by an adult in your life who is qualified to evaluate your character, skills, and achievements. This could be an academic counselor, teacher, coach, club advisor, job supervisor, organizational leader, etc. The letter of recommendation should NOT be written by a family member. If you choose to not submit a letter of recommendation, your application will not be negatively impacted in any way.
To submit a letter of recommendation, you or your recommender can email it to confidential@summer.ucla.edu. Please make the subject line “BASE Letter of Recommendation for [Student Name]“.
Applying for BASE can be done conveniently online with the following steps:
- Prepare all application requirements prior to starting the online application.
- Access the BASE Online Application after it opens on February 15. Read the information on the introduction page and then select “Next Page.”
- Provide responses to all required questions on the online application. You will then upload all required application materials on the final page and submit. The application will close on April 15 at 5pm (Pacific Time).
- Applicants will be notified of award announcements on Thursday, May 15, via email.
Program Dates
June 23 – August 1 (6 weeks, Session A)
Application Period
February 15 – April 15
Award Decisions Announced
May 15
BASE students will enroll in one approved UCLA six-week online course. By the end of the program, you will learn how to balance a rigorous college course load while earning college credit that will be reflected on an official UCLA transcript.
Gain College Credit!

Students will be able to choose to enroll in one of the below courses (space permitting). Please click on the class title, where you will be taken to our Schedule of Classes and where you will find more information regarding the class day and time, instructor, and the number of college credit/units you will earn. Click on “Lec” (lecture) on the left side of the course to see a brief class description.
- Anthropology 3: Culture and Society
- For students interested in learning about different cultures, traveling, studying human behavior, and history
- Potential career goals: Anthropologist, Sociologist, Museum Curator
- Chemistry 14A: General Chemistry for Life Scientists I
- Students must have prior experience in a high school chemistry course
- For students interested in medicine, working in a lab, food science, cosmetics & product development
- Potential career goals: Pharmacist, Doctor, Biochemist, Chemical Engineer, Lab Scientist
- Chicana/o & Central American Studies 10A: Intro to Chicana/o Studies, History and Culture
- Students will be enrolled into Lecture 1 only
- For students interested in advocating for Latina/o communities, social justice, exploring cultures
- Potential career goals: Community Organizer, Civil Rights Lawyer, Public Policy, Nonprofits
- Earth, Planetary, & Space Sciences 1: Intro to Earth Science
- For students interested in nature, sustainability, climate change, weather
- Potential career goals: Geologist, Environmental Scientist, Astronomer
- Economics 1: Principles of Economics (Microeconomics)
- For students interested in entrepreneurship, business, investing, finances
- Potential career goals: Financial Analyst, Entrepreneur, Business Consultant
- Gender Studies 10: Intro to Gender Studies
- For students interested in feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, social activism
- Potential career goals: Nonprofits, Education, Social Worker, Journalist, DEI Specialist
- International Development Studies 1 – Intro to International Development Studies
- For students interested in global issues, politics, economic development, history
- Potential career goals: Diplomat, Global Policy Analyst, International Aid Worker
- Neuroscience 20: Intro to Neuroscience Methods
- For students interested in medicine, healthcare, psychology, how the brain works
- Potential career goals: Doctor, Psychologist, Researcher
- Physics 1A*: Physics for Scientists & Engineers, Mechanics
- Students who do not have prior experience in a high school physics course will be enrolled into Physics 10 (Introductory Physics)
- For students interested in building things, math, technology, innovation
- Potential career goals: Engineer, Data Scientist, Astrophysicist
- Political Science 20: World Politics
- For students interested in government, debates, current events, international relations
- Potential career goals: Politician, Lawyer, Public Policy
Adjusting to college-level coursework requires reflecting on study habits and learning strategies, as well as utilizing the diverse academic support resources available at colleges. The BASE program is designed to support you in your online summer course, while empowering you to proactively take charge of your academic journey by developing the necessary skills to navigate and leverage the resources available to support your success. Listed below are various academic support resources that will be available throughout the program:
- Study Skills Workshops
Presentation topics will include effective note-taking strategies, exam preparation, active reading techniques, time-management, and more! - Peer Study Groups
You will have the opportunity to connect and collaborate with your peers enrolled in the same course. Additionally, virtual study sessions will be organized throughout the program. - Mentorship with current UCLA students
Your mentors will be available to check in with you about your experience in the course, share insights from their own academic challenges and how they overcame them, and offer guidance on your coursework. While we will make every effort to match you with a mentor whose academic background aligns with your summer course, please note we cannot guarantee they will be able to provide direct assistance with course material. - Resource Guide
At the start of the program, students will be given a resource guide that includes various academic support services available to them as an enrolled student at UCLA. - Office Hours with Program Staff & Instructors
Weekly office hours will be available, providing an opportunity for you to virtually meet with your instructor or the BASE coordinator outside of class lectures. By the end of the program, you will have gained valuable skills in effectively utilizing office hours and applying best practices for reaching out to instructors for additional support.
The academic journey goes beyond the classroom and includes creating a community of support. BASE students will be paired with passionate and knowledgeable UCLA undergraduate student mentors. During their time in the program, students will receive valuable advice, share insights, and learn how to navigate the college experience with confidence, while being integrated into a network committed to their success!
Connect with a UCLA Student!

The mentors are current UCLA undergraduate students, representing a diverse range of backgrounds and academic majors. While we aim to match you with a mentor whose academic background aligns with your summer course, we cannot guarantee they will be able to provide direct assistance with course material. However, your mentor will serve as an invaluable resource, offering not only academic guidance but also a unique opportunity to hear firsthand accounts of the college experience from a student’s perspective. They will provide a supportive space to ask questions, discuss concerns, and navigate any fears you may have about college life.
Students will meet with their mentors for a minimum of one hour each week at a designated time. While mentors will bring pre-planned material to guide discussions, you are encouraged to come prepared with your own questions and topics to ensure the meetings address your specific needs and interests. By the end of the BASE program, we hope you will have openly shared your thoughts, challenges, and aspirations, forging a meaningful connection with your mentor that extends beyond the summer!
Preparing for college, both academically and socially, can be overwhelming and daunting. BASE co-curriculars are meant to help students feel confident in adjusting to any challenges they may face in their journeys to higher education. The program includes a combination of workshops that provide college advising, academic & social-emotional skill sets, and financial education. Please review the sections below for a look at some of the topics covered in the co-curriculars.
Workshops, Panels, and More!

In tandem with your weekly mentorship meetings, the co-curriculars will follow a specific theme each week, seen in the below calendar. Additionally, you can find a calendar with the co-curricular workshops we plan to offer in 2025. Please note these co-curricular topics are subject to change.
Applying for college can feel overwhelming, with countless options to consider and lengthy applications to complete. In collaboration with UCLA’s Undergraduate Admissions Office and the Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP), these workshops are designed to provide you with the tools and guidance needed to navigate your college applications with confidence!
- Navigating College Admissions
Led by a UCLA Undergraduate Admissions representative, you will be able to gain valuable insight into the college application timeline and key admissions criteria. You will also learn how to research colleges effectively and build a college list based on the factors most important to you. - Extracurriculars on the College Application
You will discover how to strategically highlight your extracurricular activities and achievements to present a well-rounded and compelling application profile. - Personal Statement Workshop
This workshop will allow you to explore best practices for writing impactful personal statements and have dedicated time to brainstorm and outline your own essays.
It is essential to acknowledge the need for continuous adjustments to our study habits and learning strategies to adapt and be academically prepared for college academic curriculum. These co-curricular workshops are designed to equip you with the academic tools and skills needed for a smooth transition to college.
- College 101
This interactive presentation will highlight the key differences and expectations between high school and college academics. You will reflect on your own learning style and study habits while being introduced to a variety of effective study techniques and academic support resources commonly available at colleges. - Stress Reduction & Mindfulness
Midterms and finals can be some of the most stressful and challenging times in college. This workshop will help students identify their personal stressors and practice a range of coping strategies, including mindfulness, reframing, and seeking support.
The college experience goes beyond earning a degree; it’s also an opportunity to explore a new environment and connect with diverse communities. Balancing your mental and physical health, building strong support systems, and cultivating a sense of belonging are essential for thriving both academically and personally in your future college journey. The below workshops delve into these areas, while highlighting potential resources you can seek out:
- UCLA Student Q&A Panel
Current UCLA undergraduate students will share their experiences transitioning to higher education and navigating college at UCLA. You will also be able to ask questions to learn more about the academic, extracurricular, and social aspects of undergraduate life at UCLA/college in general. - Building Community & Finding Resources Workshop
You will learn strategies for navigating college websites, campus directories, and resource centers. Specific examples will be provided by UCLA’s First To Go office, which supports first-generation college students. - Maximizing Your Undergraduate Experience
This impactful guest lecture by Dr. Marian Gabra will encourage students to reflect on what they hope to gain from their college experience while exploring strategies to overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome.
Discussing higher education is incomplete without also addressing the significant financial costs involved. These co-curricular workshops will highlight various types of scholarships and financial aid, while empowering you to confidently plan ahead to determine funding for your college education.
- Financial Wellness
You will learn how to identify and prioritize your own financial goals, while also gaining practical knowledge on building credit and developing a budget plan. - Financial Aid & FAFSA
This workshop will provide step-by-step instructions and a live tutorial on completing the FAFSA application. You will also learn how to interpret a financial aid award letter and understand the key differences in aid offered by colleges to help cover tuition and living expenses. - Unlocking Scholarships
Led by a representative from the Center for Scholarships & Scholar Engagement, this session will teach you strategies for finding scholarship opportunities through online databases, businesses, and other sources. You will also gain insight into best practices for scholarship applications, including how to select and approach individuals for letters of recommendation.
The entire program will be free of charge, with UCLA Summer Sessions covering course tuition fees and the cost of course materials/textbooks.
BASE is a comprehensive scholarship program that is only open to current California 10th and 11th grade students. It is completely online, with all BASE students enrolling in one online summer course and attending online co-curricular programming. Additionally, BASE will pair recipients with a UCLA undergraduate student mentor, which is not an opportunity offered in any other UCLA Summer Sessions program.
Summer Scholars Support is not its own program, but instead a standalone scholarship fund that can be used to apply to any of the following UCLA Summer Sessions offerings: Summer Courses, Summer Online, Summer Intensives, Precollege Summer Institutes, or SCIP. Modality (in-person or online) as well as access to co-curriculars will depend on the UCLA Summer Sessions program the recipients choose to participate in. 9th graders are also eligible to apply for Summer Scholars Support, but not BASE.
Participating in BASE will require you to commit a minimum of 7-10 hours a week, with additional time required for studying/homework.
- All approved courses will have 4-6 hours of required lecture a week
- Meeting with your UCLA undergraduate mentor and participating in BASE co-curricular programming will be an additional 3-4 hours a week
While it is very possible to have other summer obligations, please keep in mind that BASE is a college-level program with a rigorous academic component and engaging co-curricular activities that require your full dedication. We strongly encourage you to carefully evaluate your summer schedule and apply only if you can fully commit the time and attention needed to succeed in the program.
Summer classes are regular 10-week UCLA courses compressed into 6 weeks at an accelerated pace. Therefore, missing any portion of the course would leave you at a great disadvantage and you should do your best to ensure there are no conflicts, such as family vacations or other obligations. If you must miss any portion of the course, you should consult with the instructor to determine if you will be able to make-up any material or assignments missed. While a majority of UCLA courses do not take attendance, missing large portions of the course may make it very difficult to pass the course and the opportunity to make-up missed work will be at the instructor’s discretion.
BASE co-curricular programming and mentorship are integral parts of this program and you are expected to commit 2-4 hours a week for these additional programming components. If you must miss any BASE programming, you will be required to notify UCLA Summer Sessions staff accordingly and complete a make-up assignment. Continued tardiness or absences for BASE co-curricular programming can result in the student being asked to leave the program.
Yes, attending co-curricular programming is mandatory and will be an expected 2-3 hour time commitment a week throughout the duration of BASE.
A laptop/computer is required in order to attend your online course and co-curricular programming.
If you do not have reliable access to a laptop/computer, UCLA Summer Sessions encourages you to still apply to BASE! On the application, you will be able to indicate if you do or do not have access to a laptop/computer. If selected as a recipient, our office will contact you directly to coordinate a solution in order for you to participate.
The GPA requirement of 3.5 (unweighted) is strict. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this requirement, please email confidential@summer.ucla.edu.
The household Adjusted Gross income (AGI) requirement is strict, with the threshold limits coming from the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s annual State Income Limits report. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this requirement, please email confidential@summer.ucla.edu.
If your parent(s)/guardian(s) do not have a 1040 tax form available, we will still require some form of documentation confirming financial need and household income. Please email confidential@summer.ucla.edu for more information regarding acceptable alternative documentation.
It will NOT hurt your application and your chance of being selected if you choose to not submit a letter of recommendation.
You will NOT be able to re-access your application and make changes to it after submission. Therefore, please ensure all components of the application are filled out correctly and the proper documents are uploaded before submitting.
The approved course list for BASE is strict and students will NOT be able to enroll in any other online courses offered.
Yes, you can request to change to a different approved course as long as the request is submitted by Friday, June 14 AND there is still space available in the course you are hoping to switch into.
You will be enrolling into college-level courses that are offered at UCLA during the regular school year and earning college credit. Every course will require homework and/or dedicated time to prepare for lecture outside of class.
Most colleges/universities accept UCLA credit for transfer. Students who attend a university outside of the UC system should verify their school’s credit-granting process. Transfer of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution.
Students who attend a University of California (UC) school in the future are guaranteed their UCLA credit will transfer. You may visit the Enrollment and Academics page and view more information under the “University Credit, Grades, and Transcripts” section.
BASE is a completely online program. As a result, BASE students will only be able to enroll in the approved list of online courses and meet with their mentor at their designated online meeting time.
Being selected to participate in BASE does not have any bearing on future admission to UCLA or any other University of California campus. With that being said, participating in a college-level program such as BASE will prepare students for success in their future academic careers at any leading college or university around the world and can strengthen their overall college application.