Investigate the past, present, and future of international politics

Develop an understanding of how the international system and foreign policy shape everyday life
The Department of Political Science at UCLA offers one of the nation’s most prestigious programs in the social sciences.
We are delighted to offer a three-week Summer Institute program on World Politics that is designed specifically for high school students. Students will receive foreign policy briefings from UCLA experts on topics like the Russian invasion of Ukraine, foreign policy in the 2024 US Presidential election, how terrorist organizations work, the politics of immigration, and the role of international law in US courts. Students will also work on group projects that entail writing and presenting reports on critical foreign policy problems and how they can best be addressed. These final presentations will be shared with a public audience in a capstone culminating event.
Students will leave the program with a strong understanding of World Politics, five units of letter grade or pass/no pass college credit to use towards their high school or Bachelor degrees, and a mentor who can attest to their readiness for college-level studies.
For questions about the program, please contact
World Politics Summer Institute Program
Morning lectures will give students an overview of world politics using theoretical perspectives, applied statistical analysis, and case studies. Topics will include:
- the causes of war, international institutions,
- violence by nonstate actors,
- international trade,
- international law, human rights, and the global environment.
Afternoon sessions will allow students to apply their knowledge of world politics to contemporary foreign policy issues. In the expert-led discussion sessions, students will learn professional skills like:
- the difference between clarifying versus non-clarifying questions,
- how to manage a queue in a professional discussion,
- when it is appropriate to jump a queue to consolidate a line of questioning,
- professional methods and standards for attributing information to sources (e.g. “Chatham rules” and methods of citation)
While preparing final projects, students will gain professional skills through a comprehensive introduction to university library resources, including academic research databases, archival news resources, off-site storage facilities, interlibrary loans, and discussions with library staff writing skills workshops to foster both individual writing skills and writing as a collaborative exercise workshops on how to organize a public presentation, how to speak effectively, and how to supplement oral communication with slides
Application deadline: June 13, 2025 | Enrollment deadline: July 11, 2025
Applications are reviewed and admission to the program is granted on a rolling basis starting February 15th. Applying at your earliest convenience is highly recommended.
The program has application requirements for admission. Eligible applicants who successfully submit all requirements will be reviewed and notified via email of an admission decision within 3 weeks.
Applicants are required to provide the following during the online registration process:
- An unofficial transcript from grade 9 to present reflecting a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher
- If your school transcript utilizes a different grading system, please submit your transcript as is. If available, please attach a translation/equivalency guide.
- INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: If you are an international student, a transcript refers to your complete secondary academic record. To learn more about converting your grades into a US-based GPA, please click here.
- If your school has a translation/equivalency guide, please also include it with your transcript. If you do not have a translation/equivalency guide, please still submit your most up-to-date transcript as is for staff to review.
- Value statement: At the time of registration, ALL applicants will be prompted to submit a few short sentences reflecting on their pursuit of participation in a UCLA Precollege Summer Institute. Please note that students are strongly discouraged from relying on ChatGpt/AI tools for their application responses and are encouraged to submit original and authentic answers.
The World Politics Summer Institute will be conducted virtually (online). All meeting times will take place in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted on program schedule and syllabus. Participants must log-in to virtual sessions at the times indicated on the program schedule.
Political Science 20; 5 units
Grading Basis
Students will receive a letter grade upon completion. However, if you would like to change your grade type to Pass/No Pass (P/NP), please contact your instructor. To receive a “Pass” notation, students must earn a letter grade of C or better. See University Credit, Grades and Transcripts for more information about academic credit.
In order to successfully complete the program, students must not have more than 3 excused or unexcused absences.
UCLA Summer Sessions Summer Scholars Support
Qualified students attending grades 9th – 11th in Spring 2025 in the state of California may be eligible for Summer Scholars Support, a need- and merit-based scholarship offered by the UCLA Summer Sessions Office. Students must be 15 years old by the first day of Summer Sessions 2025 on June 23rd in order to participate in a Precollege Summer Institute and/or apply for Summer Scholars Support. A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available to support enrollment in SCIP/eSCIP, one Summer Course, or a Precollege Summer Institute.
Summer 2025 deadline to apply: March 15.
UCLA Political Science Scholarship
The UCLA Department of Political Science offers full or partial, need-based scholarships: POLITICAL SCIENCE Scholarship Application. The award is not intended to cover travel costs and may not cover textbooks or other course materials. The final award amount will reflect the fees of the WORLD POLITICS Summer Institute in which the applicant is enrolled.
- February 15: POLITICAL SCIENCE Scholarship Application is available
- April 1: POLITICAL SCIENCE Scholarship Application is due by 5 p.m.
- April 26: Award announcements are emailed at 5 p.m.
- May 1: Students who have been awarded support must confirm acceptance by replying to the award announcement email.
To apply for the POLITICAL SCIENCE Scholarship, you must meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:
- You are currently attending a high school in the state of California;
- Enrolled in grades 9th – 11th during Spring 2025
- 15 years of age or older prior to June 23, 2025
- You have not received a POLITICAL SCIENCE Scholarship in the past;
- You will be a continuing high school student in Fall 2025 (seniors graduating in 2025 are not eligible);
- You have a family annual adjusted gross income of $100,000 or less
Submit the POLITICAL SCIENCE Scholarship Application online. The application requires:
- Student Information
- School Information
- High School Transcript (does not need to be official)
- Parent/Guardian Information
- Essay Question 1: Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side. (2-page limit)
- Essay Question 2 (optional): Please describe any additional information that you have not had the opportunity to share, including financial hardships or obstacles that have impacted you. What steps have you taken to overcome it, and how has it affected your academic achievement? (2-page limit)
Students will need to upload the following to the POLITICAL SCIENCE Scholarship Application online:
- *Federal Income Tax Form (1040) of your parent/s or legal guardian/s
- *W-2 Tax Form (if eligible)
- Letter of recommendation from a teacher or school counselor commenting on your ability to successfully complete a rigorous program. Please allow your recommender at least 2 weeks to write a complete letter of support before uploading the letter to the application.
*Before uploading your tax information, please redact social security numbers on the documents.
For questions, please contact us at
Program Dates: July 14, 2025 – August 1, 2025
Program Type: Virtual
Program Eligibility: 9th-12th grade in Spring 2025*
Application deadline: June 13, 2025
Enrollment deadline: July 11, 2025
*All participants must be at least 15 years of age by the first day of Summer Sessions 2025 on June 23rd, no exceptions allowed.
The schedule and syllabus are subject to change. Enrolled students will be given updated materials closer to the program start date.
Fees and Payment Info
The program fee includes the unit fees for the UCLA coursework offered as part of the program and thus varies by UC student status. In addition to the program fee, students are assessed other campus and administrative fees during the summer. This is a summary of fees that commonly apply to the selected student type.
Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California. Visit the fees, payment, and financial aid section for important disclaimer, as well as more details on fees, payment instructions, and information on delinquency, refunds, and financial aid.
Meet your instructors
The World Politics Summer Institute curriculum is based on materials covered in the department’s undergraduate curriculum. Instructors for the World Politics Summer Institute are graduate students and alumni of the department’s prestigious PhD program.
Please visit UCLA Department of Political Science for more information about the Political Science undergraduate and graduate programs.
World Politics Summer Institute FAQ
Students do not need to have any prior knowledge of Political Science or World Politics to succeed in this Summer Institute. Beginning students will be taught everything they need to know through the core course in World Politics.
Students will be required to bring:
- Laptop computer
- Paper notebooks
- Pens or pencils (as preferred)
- Software: Microsoft Word (or word processing software with MS Word compatibility) and Microsoft Power Point
- Textbook: see syllabus for details (paperback copy strongly recommended over ebook)
Still have questions? Check out the general Summer Institutes FAQ.