Summer Bruin Guide – College/Professional Summer Institutes

We are thrilled to have you participate in our College/Professional Summer Institutes! Our faculty and students make UCLA one of the best universities in the world. Please take the time to review this guide, as well as your College/Professional Summer Institute program page for program-specific details, to plan your summer study with UCLA.
Please see below for important information to review before the summer begins. All deadlines, unless otherwise stated, are at 5PM Pacific Time.
In addition to reviewing this Bruin Guide, we encourage you to watch our pre-recorded Orientation for College/Professional Summer Institutes.
Rest assured that our dedicated staff stands ready to assist you with questions; you can reach us at
Before Summer
To access your existing registration, you will need the five-digit registration number sent to your email address upon initial submission of the registration form. If you cannot locate your registration number, please contact us at with your name, date of birth, and the name of your program.
You can make the following changes by accessing your existing registration:
- Add another program
- Switch programs
- Cancel registration
NOTE: Contact information (i.e., email address, mailing address, phone number) cannot be updated by accessing your existing registration. These types of updates must be completed on MyUCLA under “Settings” (see MYUCLA).
MyUCLA is an online student portal where you can:
- Review your charges, balance, and make payments.
- View final grades and GPA.
- Order academic and/or verification transcripts.
- Update your contact information, including your email, mailing, and permanent address.
Enrollment Deadline: June 15
You may register for an additional program as long as there are no overlapping dates between them, the new program has available space, and the eligibility requirements are met, including instructor consent, if applicable.
To add another program, access your original registration using your five-digit registration number, then select “Add Program” from the options on the left-hand side of your screen to view available programs.
Alternatively, you may switch into a different program at any time before the refund deadline, 5PM (PDT), June 15, as long as the new program has available space and the eligibility requirements are met, including instructor consent, if applicable.
To switch programs, access your original registration using your five-digit registration number, then select “Switch My Program” from the options on the left-hand side of your screen to view available programs.
You can cancel your registration or drop your program by accessing your original registration using your five-digit registration number then selecting “Cancel My Registration” from the options on the left-hand side of your screen.
NOTE: The registration fee will be non-refundable at all times. The remaining fees are not refundable after the refund deadline, nor will they be prorated at any time. Please see “REFUND POLICY.”
If the program you wish to take is at capacity, you may add yourself to the waitlist, if available. Waitlisted students are not required to submit payment unless a space becomes available.
If a space becomes available, you will be emailed with instructions to pay the registration fee ($350 for non-UC visiting students; $175 for UC students) to reserve your space in the program within a 24-hour window.
Refund Deadline: 5PM (PDT), June 15
A valid payment of a non-refundable registration fee is required to complete registration. This registration fee is not refundable.
Program fees and other applicable fees, excluding the non-refundable registration fee, are refundable if the program is officially dropped before 5PM (PDT), JUNE 15. In the event of withdrawal before the refund deadline, the total refund amount will reflect the non-refundable registration.
If you drop before the refund deadline, any resulting credit you may have will be issued back to you in one of the following ways:
- BruinDirect: BruinDirect is the fastest way to get any refund by direct deposit into a U.S. checking or savings account. It’s convenient, free, and automatic. You can sign up online on BruinBill.
- Credit Card: Payments made with a credit card will be returned to the credit card that made the original payment.
- Check Refund: If payment was made using a method other than credit card and if not signed up for BruinDirect, the refund will be issued as a paper check and mailed to the mailing address on file.
Summer fees vary by program and are viewable in the “Fees” section of your program page. You may also view the associate program fees using the Fee Calculator. You may view and pay your summer charges on your BruinBill account via MyUCLA under the “Finances and Jobs” tab.
Adding an additional program or switching programs may change your summer balance. Please review your BruinBill account on MyUCLA after every enrollment transaction.
Please note that fees are not assessed via MyUCLA BruinBill until mid-March, and it may take 2-3 business days for fees to appear.
The registration fee ($350 for visiting students; $175 for UC students) is assessed per each Summer Institute program, is required to enroll officially, and applies towards your summer balance within 48 hours (do not pay the registration fee twice for an individual program).
Payment Deadline: 5PM (PDT), May 1
You temporarily reserve a space in the Summer Institute once the registration fee is paid; however, enrollment in a Summer Institute is not officially confirmed until you submit full payment of the program fees and all other administrative fees by the payment deadline. Failure to pay by the payment deadline may result in your space in the program being forfeited.
*After May 1, total program fees are due to secure a space in the program.
The university offers fully furnished residence halls and suites within easy walking distance of classrooms, libraries, and recreational facilities for summer students enrolled in Summer Institutes. To learn more about campus living, take the virtual tour of the residential halls and watch our UCLA housing videos.
Students who wish to stay on campus should contact UCLA Housing for more information.
In the weeks leading up to the start of your College/Professional Summer Institute, we recommend completing everything in our Pre-Arrival Checklist to best guarantee a smooth start to your summer!
During Summer
You must participate in and be punctual to all scheduled sessions and activities of the program, including, but not limited to, all classes, group meetings, special functions, and excursions, if applicable. No make-up activities will be provided. Program faculty and administrators reserve the right to dismiss a participant for repeated tardiness to and/or absences from program activities for reasons other than unforeseen emergencies; in the event of dismissal, program fees will not be refundable. You should consult the program administrators concerning any foreseeable absence as soon as possible, ideally before the program start date. Please note that the curriculum and schedule are subject to change and that the website may have samples posted. Visit your College/Profession Summer Institute program page for more information on your program curriculum and schedule or contact the program for any questions about the program curriculum and schedule.
UCLA Bruins commit themselves to the highest ethical standards. Integrity, excellence, accountability, respect, and service are the founding principles of the “True Bruin” code. As you will enter the UCLA community as a summer Bruin, learn the values of a True Bruin and show your Bruin Pride.
You must abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its Los Angeles campus, including, but not limited to, rules and regulations of the UCLA Office of Summer Sessions and UCLA Student Code of Conduct.
Conduct that threatens any person’s health or safety or poses a threat of causing damage to university or community property will not be tolerated. Furthermore, Summer Sessions has a “Zero Tolerance” policy with regard to alcohol, illegal drugs (including manufacture, distribution, use, possession, or sale thereof, or the attempted manufacture, distribution, or sale thereof), theft, lewd or indecent behavior, sexual, racial or personal harassment or intolerance, or use of unauthorized transportation. Use of any Tobacco Product as defined in the UCLA Policy 810, including smoking, chewing, spitting, inhaling, ingesting, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated Tobacco Product is prohibited on any University Owned or Leased Property.
You will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal, for conduct in violation of the Participant Agreement (adult/minor). We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with all parts of the Participant Agreement before the start of your program.
*Please note that while both UCLA and non-UCLA students are subject to the same code of conduct policies, different conduct procedures may apply to non-UCLA students.
UCLA is a large campus with many resources that are available to all summer students! Please be sure to look through our Summer Resource page, as well as review the specific resources listed below:
- Housing
- All College/Professional Summer Institute programs are eligible for optional housing through UCLA Housing Services; however, students must be 17 years or older to be eligible for on campus housing, and housing contracts are for pre-set dates. A small number of College/Professional Summer Institutes do not align with those dates.
- The UCLA Housing Application opens in late April, and you may apply for housing 1-2 business days after paying the Summer Institute registration fee at UCLA Housing Services. To learn more about campus living, take the virtual tour of the residential halls and watch our UCLA housing videos. Please be advised there are additional fees that will adhere to UCLA Housing payment deadlines.
- Libraries
- With a collection of more than eight million volumes, UCLA Library is ranked among the top ten research libraries in the country. The two main collections are housed in the College Library, geared toward the undergraduate curriculum, and the Young Research Library, which specializes in graduate research. Additionally, there are thirteen special subject libraries with collections in the arts, engineering, science, film and television, law, and medicine.”
- BruinCard
- We strongly recommend that you obtain a BruinCard. Your first BruinCard is free; the fee for replacing a lost or stolen BruinCard is $25.
You will not need a BruinCard before arrival at UCLA, but we recommend that you get one as another form of ID on campus and to access campus resources. - You may get a BruinCard:
- Online on the BruinCard Website beginning June 1st. You will need to upload your ID photo (restrictions apply). Your BruinCard will be ready for pick-up three business days after submitting your application at the BruinCard Center; OR
• In-person at the BruinCard Center during regular business hours beginning June 1st. A photo will be taken of you, and you will receive your BruinCard the same day.
- Online on the BruinCard Website beginning June 1st. You will need to upload your ID photo (restrictions apply). Your BruinCard will be ready for pick-up three business days after submitting your application at the BruinCard Center; OR
- We strongly recommend that you obtain a BruinCard. Your first BruinCard is free; the fee for replacing a lost or stolen BruinCard is $25.
- UCLA Transportation & Campus Map
- Visit this office website to learn more about parking and getting to campus; please note UCLA does not provide transportation services to/from the airport
- You can view the Interactive Map to help familiarize yourself with campus
- Emergency Contacts
- UCLA strives to offer an environment where individuals of all ages can live, learn, and work safely. The UCLA Police Department (UCPD) provides various crime-prevention and education services and evening escort (310-794-WALK) that operates throughout campus and local living areas. Participants in UCLA Summer Sessions can report safety concerns or any suspicious activities/behavior directly to UCPD at 310-825-1491 at any time. For emergencies of any kind, always call 911 first. A list of safety tips while on campus is available on the UCPD website. For non-emergency medical needs, students may visit the UCLA Ashe Student Health Center during regular hours.
- Residential participants will be assigned to residential halls with 24-hour front desk service, surveillance cameras, and key-access entry. In addition, UCLA Housing & Hospitality Services has put together Safety and Emergency information, including safety protocol you should follow.
- UCLA has developed the Bruins Safe Online website and the Bruins Safe Mobile App to provide access to campus safety resources and up-to-date information during an incident. Bruins Safe is available for download from the UCLA App Store. Bruin Safe benefits include:
- Campus safety resources: access all necessary safety resources in one convenient app.
- Safety notifications: Receive instant notifications and instructions from campus safety when on-campus emergencies occur.
- Emergency help: contact campus safety staff quickly for assistance in an emergency.
After Summer
Summer Institutes carry UC credit, and your accomplishment of the UCLA coursework will be reported in terms of grades. Grades will be recorded on an official University of California transcript, a permanent record that reflects all courses and units completed at UCLA. No part of the coursework may be continued beyond the end of the course unless prearranged by the student and the instructor.
Transcripts can be ordered online through MyUCLA. To request a transcript online, sign-in to MyUCLA, select “Classes,” then “Transcript – Official.” Learn more about how to order a transcript here.
NOTE: If you attend one of the other UC campuses, UCLA will automatically send your Summer Institute credit and grades to your home UC campus by November.
UCLA courses are generally accepted for transfer credit at most universities and colleges, but all decisions on transferability rest with the receiving institution (i.e., the university or college to which you plan to transfer the UCLA credit). It is your responsibility to verify whether the credit earned from the program can transfer to your desired institution. Please get advance approval from the receiving institution prior to registration if you wish to transfer your UCLA Summer Sessions credit.
UCLA is on the quarter system. As a general guide, a semester unit is worth approximately 1.5 quarter units (e.g., 4 quarter units = 2.5 semester units).