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A student working on a piece of machinery as an instructor overlooks.

Explore cutting-edge research in nanoscience and nanotechnology

The Nanoscience Lab Summer Institute is an exclusive summer workshop for high school students with a background in chemistry who are interested in advanced science and technology.

During this five-day program, students have the unique opportunity to explore technologies similar to those currently investigated by the scientific community through hands-on experiments that give students a survey of diverse topics, including bio-toxicity, supercapacitors, and photolithography. These experiments, designed by UCLA researchers, teach students the key concepts of nanoscale phenomena that make nanoscience and nanotechnology one of the most exciting fields of research today.

Fees and Payment Info

The program fee includes the unit fees for the UCLA coursework offered as part of the program and thus varies by UC student status. In addition to the program fee, students are assessed other campus and administrative fees during the summer. This is a summary of fees that commonly apply to the selected student type.

Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California. Visit the fees, payment, and financial aid section for important disclaimer, as well as more details on fees, payment instructions, and information on delinquency, refunds, and financial aid.

The program fees listed in the selection are for the commuter version only. The program fee also includes the cost of UCLA Housing. The following are the program fees for the Residential version.

  • High School Student = TBD
  • Incoming UCLA Student = TBD
  • Incoming UC Student = TBD

All other fees listed will remain the same for the Residential version.

Program Fee
Registration Fee
Document Fee (for first-time Summer Sessions students)
Total Estimated Fees:
* Fees only apply for certain student types

Meet your instructors

Sarah Tolbert


Sarah Tolbert is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCLA. Research in her group focuses on self-organized nanoscale materials and includes both organic templated inorganic phases and colloidal materials. Current work in her group is aimed at understanding and controlling structure and periodicity in complex nanostructured composite materials, and in exploiting that periodicity for a range of structural, optical, and electronic materials applications.

Projects in Prof. Tolbert’s group range from examination of nanoscale phase transitions in surfactant templated inorganic solids to the designed assembly of electro-active composite materials.

Professor Tolbert’s honors include a National Science Foundation Early CAREER Development Award, the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, a Beckman Young Investigator Award, and an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship.

Image of Sarah Tolbert