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Engineering Design Summer Institute

Learn the principles of engineering to design, build and test a real-life vehicle or device

Use engineering design software and materials to construct a mobile robot, smart electronic systems, or a Go-Kart

The UCLA Engineering Design Summer Institute is a 3-week experiential program offering an introduction to engineering design while building teamwork and communication skills in a university setting. Participants will examine engineering majors offered at UCLA as well as explore a variety of engineering careers. The program centers on the completion of hands-on engineering design projects, and coursework includes the preparation of a short report describing those projects as well as a presentation of results. Specific project details and relevant majors explored vary with instructor.

GoKarts & Rovers Tracks Closed to Applications.




Fees and Payment Info

The program fee includes the unit fees for the UCLA coursework offered as part of the program and thus varies by UC student status. In addition to the program fee, students are assessed other campus and administrative fees during the summer. This is a summary of fees that commonly apply to the selected student type.

Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California. Visit the fees, payment, and financial aid section for important disclaimer, as well as more details on fees, payment instructions, and information on delinquency, refunds, and financial aid.


Program Fee
Registration Fee
Document Fee (for first-time Summer Sessions students)
Total Estimated Fees:
* Fees only apply for certain student types